For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them [from the penalty of eternal death]. And they journeyed on to another village. Luke 9:56 (AMPC)
From verse 51 through 55 Jesus is here set to go to Jerusalem so He sends messengers ahead of Him who went to a Samaritan village to make things ready for Him, but the people there did not receive Jesus.
His disciples James and John apparently furious about it, ask Jesus if they can call down fire from heaven to destroy the Samaritans. But Jesus sharply rebukes them saying they’re of a different spirit and in our theme verse He explains.
Jesus says He did not come to destroy lives but to save them. The vision and mission of Jesus is to save. His Name that foretold His purpose for coming into the world means savior or salvation.
Jesus saves from sin, disease, hell, death, the grave, oppression, the world. We are saved by faith in His Name. This faith is activated by hearing and calling on His Name.