Jesus said to him, “I am.. the life. John 14:6 (NKJV)
All the fullness of God is in Jesus Christ. The Divine nature and character dwell permanently in Christ. The Life of God is in Jesus – John14:10-11.
God has given us His Eternal Life and this Life is in His Son Jesus Christ. 1John 5:11, 12.
The Life of God is His ability, quality, and even quantity of living. It’s God’s peace, wellbeing, strength, creativity, fruitfulness, advancement, and satisfaction. It’s all in Jesus Christ.
We receive and have this very same Life through Faith in Jesus Christ – believing He is the Son of God who died for our sins and rose up for our justification.
Have you received Jesus? Have you believed in Him? It’s in believing Jesus that you receive and walk in fullness and fulfillment of Life.