In that day the wolf and the lamb will live together; the leopard will lie down with the baby goat. The calf and the yearling will be safe with the lion, and a little child will lead them all. Isaiah 11:6 (NLT)
Jesus told us that without Him we can do nothing.- John15: 5
The reason God uses the weak to lead, help, or uphold the strong is to demonstrate, prove, and emphasize what Jesus said that without Him we can in and of ourselves do nothing. Even the strong among us are weak and so need support and help.
Even the wisest among us can act and live foolishly thus needing instruction and leading. Actually the wisdom of the world or men is foolishness with God.
Physical or mental strength doesn’t work in the economy of God. Even energetic youth grow weary and faint.
God used barren childless Abraham and Sarah to bring forth multitudes of spiritual and physical children.
God used the shepherd rod of Moses to bring down mighty pharaoh and Egypt, split the Red Sea and led the nation of Israel to their home and inheritance.
The message of the Cross of Christ is weakness and foolishness according to men but it’s the power and wisdom of God by which He leads us out of death hell and the grave into his kingdom of Love, Light and Life.