The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8 (NIV)
There’s nowhere the Lord tells us to go where He’s not been before us. He always leads us not by pointing out for us to go but by Himself going ahead of us.
Whatever He tells us to do, it’s because He has done it before and ahead of us.
When He tells us to love, it’s because He has loved first.
When He tells us to give, it’s because He has given first.
When He tells us to forgive, it’s because He has forgiven first.
So do not fear or hesitate following God, doing what He is instructing you to do, going where He’s telling you to go.
He’s already gone ahead of you. He’s already prepared the way. He’s already made provision of the means and resources. When He instructed Elijah to go to a certain city where he would be fed through a tough famine God said ” I have instructed a woman to feed you”.
God has already gone ahead of you and has commanded and instructed people, circumstances, places, resources, and even enemies to align, yield, and work for your good.