…For His sake I have lost everything and consider it all to be mere rubbish (refuse, dregs), in order that I may win (gain) Christ (the Anointed One) Philippians3:8(AMPC)
What’s the ‘everything’ that Paul here says he lost and considers it to be mere rubbish, refuse, and dregs? One might think it’s the worldly sinful way he used to live but it’s not it. It’s actually the good and right physical, natural, cultural and religious advantages, conduct, rule keeping, and rituals that he once thought earned him approval and acceptance before God.
Compared to the perfection, completeness, and excellence of Christ and what He has done everything good and right we do in our own strength apart from Him is rubbish, refuse, dregs. All of Paul’s natural human religious plus factors of coming from the right family, going to the best religious school, practicing the strictest form of rule keeping did not bring him into a real living relationship with God. Our best at helping ourselves in our own is rubbish, refuse dregs. Completeness is in Christ.