“In my distress, O LORD, I called to you, and you answered me. From deep in the world of the dead I cried for help, and you heard me. Jonah 2:2(GNT)
There’s no moment when it’s too late to ask God for help and He hears and answers you as long as you ask.
For men death means it’s too late for anything to happen or be done. It means the end; but not with God. This is because all things are possible with God. He hears and answers even the cry for help from among the seemingly dead.
Do not think that you’re far away from help, that your case is so dead and so too late. There’s no depth that is too deep for God to hear your call and save you. You have not blown it up beyond repair that He isn’t able to restore. You’re not too far away or cut off from God’s hearing and Salvation. Call on Him and hear His answer and receive His Salvation.