For we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus [the leaning of your entire human personality on Him in absolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness] Colossians 1:4 (AMPC)
Faith is a rest. All the defining terms of faith – confidence, trust, assurance, point to the one simple but profound expression – rest.
You know you’re acting in faith when you’re at rest. This rest is a result of something already done and finished.
Faith in God, in His Word is resting on and in what God already personally in Christ did. Faith for Salvation is resting on the reality that God already personally present in Christ accomplished your Salvation. More than two thousand years ago Jesus went to the Cross and died for our sins, but on the third day He rose from the dead for our justification.
Therefore it is only as we hear and accept the Gospel, the Word, the Report of what Jesus did that Faith arises in our hearts. Romans 10:17.
Find out for yourself what God already did for you in Christ as you read and study the Word. Let Faith arise in your heart as you hear for yourself the Word of Faith.