but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God. 1 Timothy 2:10 (NIV)
It’s not our outward dramatized show and talk of how we are loving and living for God that proves that we are true worshippers but the genuine, unconscious, and unadvertised lifestyle of loving and doing good to others.
Worship at its core is a becoming one with God in thought and attitude.When His thoughts are our thoughts and His attitude our attitude we unconsciously effortlessly act out those traits.
After drawing from Jesus at the well, the Samaritan woman without Jesus commanding her went to her city and drew the entire city to Jesus by sharing with them what Jesus shared with her in the secret place of worship. John 4.Because the Lord is good, loving, generous, merciful, and forgiving to us, in worship we are over flooded with these Divine attributes and from there we overflow with them to others.