Blessed [are] the merciful, For they shall obtain mercy. Matthew 5:7 (NKJV)
We mostly always see retribution as justice whenever it comes to circumstances where we are the ones who have been taken advantage of, or wronged. Yet when we are the ones who have faulted, we speedily cry out for clemency. Among men every time we are at the receiving end of ill-treatment putting it right and compensation must always be the offender getting due punishment and paying back for the damage and loss they caused us. But that’s not God’s way of justice. Actually while man separates justice from mercy, God doesn’t. Mercy is Justice to God.
It’s true God is perfect, fair, just, does no wrong, faithful and upright. See- Deuteronomy 32:4.
God’s Throne is called the Throne of Grace and from here we obtain Mercy and find Grace – not an eye for an eye sentence. See- Hebrews 4:16
God’s seat is called the Mercy seat – the place from which He executes equity and justice, the position of His dominion, authority and power.
God always meets and deals with us in every matter of life not from a place of merit and deservedness but Mercy. Exodus 25:22 (AMPC) There I will meet with you and, from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubim that are upon the ark of the Testimony, I will speak intimately with you of all which I will give you in commandment to the Israelites.
Now according to God nothing is totally right until the offender and the offended are both restored. It is Mercy that heals and restores both the offended and the offender and therefore brings the greater wholeness which is the healing and soundness of the entire body, family, community, and world. The wrong or offense is like a contagious disease. Revenge or pay back is punishing the person who passed the disease to you. It doesn’t help solve anything. Mercy is the proper treatment, healing, and stopping of the disease from spreading.
God is a Father and we are all His children. He hurts and hates it whenever any of His children suffers. When the suffering of any one of His children is caused by another of His children, that hurts Him even more because to Him that’s two children hurting. This may sound queer and absurd but hurting people hurt others. Damaged people cause damage to others. Therefore inflicting more injury to the one who has injured you makes it even worse not only for them but for everyone. The only sure way out of and over all injustice and hurt is Mercy.
What goes around comes around. When we get mercy to go around it surely comes around. Let’s keep the Mercy going around our world for it will surely keep coming around. Let’s keep giving out and passing on the Compassion, Kindness, Forgiveness and Goodness, for it will keep on coming around. That means healing, restoration, wholeness and wellbeing for all of us, and for our entire world.