But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. James 1:22 (NKJV)
In the parable of the sower in Mark 4 there are four groups of people who heard the Word but only one group benefited from the Word. This group was a doer of the Word. They continued in the Word they heard by letting it stay and take root in them until the Word produced fruit. The other three groups heard and some were very excited about it but the Word did not continue in them to the point of producing fruit. They were not doers of the Word, but mere listeners to it.
The Word did not continue in them because they did not continue in it. A doer of the Word is first and foremost one who continues in the Word. He doesn’t hear for a while but continues to hear and hear until the Word takes root in his heart, grows and bears fruit. Faith comes not by having heard once but hearing and hearing. – Romans 10:17.
A doer of the Word is the one from whose mouth the Word does not depart, but he meditates in it day and night, that he may observe TO DO according to all that is written in it.- Joshua 1:8
Continue hearing, declaring, and meditating on the Word day and night then you will automatically, effortlessly find yourself thinking, acting, walking, behaving and living the Word. That’s being a doer of the Word.