So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way. James 1:4 (MSG)
The victorious life we were called to involves a process that must be allowed to the end in order for us to realize the desired fruit of victory.
Faith which is the victory that overcomes the world see-1John 5:4 begins with God saying something to us, then situations arising on account of what God has said and coming up to test our stand on what God has said, then the strength of God arising from what He has said and causing us to stand our ground until we finally see spring up into full manifestation what God said to us.
For example God tells you “do not be afraid I am with you to help you”. Then all of a sudden you face a situation that sends fear down your spine – a threat to your health, trouble in relationship, or a financial crisis.
Only when you decide to continue fixing your mind and heart on what God has said can you draw strength from there to remain unmoved until you finally experience healing and wholeness as the victory over the threat to your health, provision and prosperity over the financial crisis, reconciliation and restoration over the troubled relationship.
As with all processes it is only when you allow all the steps, actions, events involved in this faith journey to be completed that you become mature, fully developed, lacking nothing in your walk with the Lord.
This means that every time we refuse to give up but rather press through that challenge, the next time another challenge comes up we have built a habit of never quitting but rather pressing through so it won’t be as hard as the first time. Then after a couple of challenges which we handle the same way we will have established a character of indomitable courage.