who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 1 Timothy 2:4 (KJV)
Salvation is more than – I’ve finally got in, I’ve at last made it, I’ve got my ticket to heaven and now I’m waiting for Jesus to take me home, so that’s it.
Salvation who is Jesus Himself is a gift package packed with every good thing God offers to us and like any wrapped present you ought to unwrap Him, find out what’s inside and enjoy it.
Coming to the knowledge of the Truth is finding out for yourself and walking right now while still here on earth in every benefit that’s included in God’s free gift of Salvation.
The Truth is Jesus Himself and in Him we already have forgiveness, acceptance, righteousness, peace, healing, safety, deliverance, victory, provision, direction and much more.Get to know this Jesus who is the Salvation you have received.