This is what GOD says, the God who builds a road right through the ocean, who carves a path through pounding waves, Isaiah 43:16 (MSG)
The ocean is anything or anyone that says you can’t go any farther. It is what stands as an impediment to your progress towards your desired goal.
The ocean is a watery grave speaking of the end of life, hope, dreams, plans and vision. It says you are done, you’re finished.
But God says to you wait, you’re not done, you’re not finished. It’s the ocean that’s finished, it’s the ocean that’s done. Because God continues on ahead through the ocean, that is He makes a road through, above and beyond anything or anyone who says no way through or no way beyond here.
Through the crucifixion, death, burial, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ, God made a road through the greatest of all oceans which is death, hell, and grave.
Therefore like He told the Israelites before the Red sea He’s telling you today move forward no matter what ocean seems to stand and tell you how you can’t proceed any farther. He’s already made a road through it. Jesus Christ in His resurrection from the dead is God’s road for you to walk on through and beyond everything.
Trust in Him and the work He has done and nothing, no one will stop or hinder you.