Proverbs 3:33-35 (MSG) Wise living gets rewarded with honor; stupid living gets the booby prize.
When God calls and implores us to receive wisdom from Him and live wisely it’s not for His sake but for our own good.
There’s a reward for living wisely. It’s the reward of honor and glory. On the opposite side shame is the highest rank conferred on foolish living. Proverbs 3:35 (AMPC).
Wise living is conducting the affairs of your life in line with godly principles and values. These are found and revealed in God’s Word.
When you know you are living for God, you know you are living your purpose, you know you are profitable to God, others, and yourself. You have no excuses, no wishes, and no regrets. This is the greatest fulfillment in life. There’s no greater honor in life than this. It lives on forever even after you’re long gone. This is the reward for wise living.