[That] Jesus, knowing (fully aware) that the Father had put everything into His hands, and that He had come from God and was [now] returning to God, Got up from supper, took off His garments, and taking a [servant’s] towel, He fastened it around His waist. John 13:3-4 (AMPC)
The right to do or get others to do what you want which is authority and the ability to do which is power is for the good of all and not just one or a few individuals.
So the misuse and abuse of authority and power starts with the wrong mindset that it’s for making people obey and serve you.
Jesus demonstrates to us the right attitude and actions of one having authority and power. Fully aware that all authority and power is His, Jesus immediately gets down to serving His disciples doing what people expect and demand of the lowest of the low.
Authority and power is for lifting up and building people not making them less, not tearing them down.- See 2 Corinthians 10:8
Whatever position, advantage, experience, ability, or resource that accords you influence and power, use it to help, uplift and make others’ lives better and greater.
This is the true purpose of authority and power.