And of Issachar, men who had understanding of the times to know what Israel ought to do, 200 chiefs; and all their kinsmen were under their command; 1 Chronicles 12:32 (AMPC)
No season is without meaning or purpose. Every season is for a reason and useful. The season where nothing seems to be happening is as important as the season where everything seems to be happening so fast.
The season when the seed planted is dead silent deep in the earth is as important as when that seed has yielded a harvest.
Seasons are interconnected steps or parts of a process – all are equally important so much so that if one is missed the entire process fails.
Embrace the seasons of life knowing what to do when and doing it regardless of whether it’s popular, convenient or comfortable. Know when to speak and when to shut up. Know when to be by yourself and when to have people around. Know when to be seen and when to keep a low profile. Know when to blend in and when to stand out. Know when to hold on and when to let go. Know when to gather and when to scatter.
Thank God we can always know what season we are in as we listen to Him the God of seasons who Himself created and changes seasons.