The fear of human opinion disables; trusting in GOD protects you from that. Proverbs 29:25 (MSG)
You’re not the result of what people think or say. You’re God’s original thought and the product of His Word.
So it’s not what other people think or say that’s the determining factor of the outcome of your life.
Do not be concerned or afraid of what other people think or say about you.
You should always ask yourself “What does God think or say about me, what does He think or say about this issue?”
What God thinks and says about your life and health is above what physicians and medical experts say. What God says about your financial situation is above what the economic experts say.
When God calls and tells you to do something then you can do it regardless of what the self-made experts have to say.
Whatever you’re building let the plans of the divine architect of all things prevail over the plans of men.
When Nehemiah was rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem some foreign enemies didn’t like it. They mocked, taunted, discouraged, and threatened Nehemiah and his team. Nehemiah 4:1-8.
But this was the Lord’s work because God had put it in Nehemiah’s heart and God’s hand was upon him for good in this matter. Nehemiah 2:11,12,18.
Nehemiah wasn’t afraid of man’s opinion and plans, he trusted God in prayer, stuck with what He had told him to do, and he finished the work. Nehemiah 6:15,16; 7:1.
Ignore people’s opinions acknowledge and yield to God’s plans for you.