And He who sent Me is with Me. The Father has not left Me alone, for I always do those things that please Him.” John 8:29 (NKJV)
This must be every sincere believer’s utmost desire and so many are struggling every single day of their life just to do this – to please God but sad to say they fail miserably.
Here’s the good news – you’re already pleasing to God.
Because you’re in Jesus Christ the Son of God with whom He is well pleased (Matthew 3:17), you’re pleasing to God. It is not your own doing that makes you pleasing to God. It is God’s own doing that has made you pleasing to Him. Because of what Jesus has accomplished in making you righteous and holy you’re acceptable to God.
You’re His beloved child, you have His nature and this is what pleases God about you.
When you know and believe that God is well pleased with you solely because of what He has made you to be in Christ the result will be living and walking in a way that pleases Him. You will do things that please Him.
For example when you know that He has accepted you unconditionally you will accept others unconditionally, you will do things that are pleasing before Him.
When the Samaritan woman at the well found out that God was well pleased with her (because Jesus came to her, presented to her the offer of Eternal Life) she went on to do what pleases God, she went to her city and brought everyone to Jesus which pleases God exceedingly.